about us
What are the chances, do you think, of meeting the ideal partner who truly makes your ‘spirit shine’ in a world of 7.8 billion souls? Even if only about half of those are adults, finding what may be ‘the one’ in almost 4 billion is a far remoter chance than winning the biggest lottery on earth (winning the massive Powerball is only about 1 in 292 million odds)!
Even if you could fly, at will, around the world a million times, just how long might it take for fate to lend a hand and create the circumstances that allow you to find that person with whom you feel so at completely one, you both become ‘greater than the sum of your parts’? Well, we have our own answer to that question… and we’d like to share our happiness and our gifts with you…
Read more about each of us below or get in touch straight way by clicking the button…
Costanza Magnocavallo
My name is Costanza, I come from an artistic background and I have worked for many years in the field of graphics and design.
I discovered flower remedies for the first time in 1994, firstly using them personally and then during client consultations and in voluntary aid works. After attending several courses and seminars with the world’s leading flower therapists, I decided to return to the original simplicity of the method that Dr. Bach left us a legacy. I have undertaken the International Training Program of the Dr. Edward Bach Foundation, I am registered as a Consultant-Bach practitioner – first and second level teacher at the International Register of The Bach Center in England and I was formerly Secretary of the Italian Bach Foundation Registered Practitioners.
Simultaneously as I learned more about applying the flowers remedies I began to deepen my passion for and understanding of evolutionary and psychological astrology, considering it another valuable path towards developing self-knowledge and achieving spiritual growth, and after studying the subject for years initially self-taught, I then attended the course of the Faculty of Astrological studies in London and subsequently continuing my studies and developing my practice in Italy over the following years.
The passion for research and fascination with energy disciplines led me to discover and study spiritual dowsing, which I continue to practice, and Reiki, with which I started a journey that led me to become qualified at Master practitioner level enabling me to teach others as I have long been motivated by the desire to share and spread this technique .
I now practice and teach Evolutionary Astrology and Reiki, as well as, training students in the original method of Dr. Edward Bach for the therapeutic use of 38 flowers through courses officially recognized by the Dr. Edward Bach Foundation.
Sharing my experience and knowledge in consultations and through teaching allows me to support people of all kinds for a short time on their respective journeys, and I constantly feel honoured and humbled to see them flourish in their beauty and the regain their essential, original and natural balance…in other words, to see their spirit shine! Seeing the spark of understanding and enthusiasm ignite in the eyes of those with whom I work is my greatest gratification.
I currently undertake personal consulting and teaching activity mainly from my studio in Milano, Italy but also offer distance consultations, analyses, treatments and teaching via the Internet and work with clients and students from around the globe.
Click here to contact Costanza to arrange an initial consultation, without obligation, right away. (Costanza tries to respond within 24-hours if possible).

Astrological analyses, Reiki, Energy Healing, Spiritual Dowsing and Bach Flower consultation, and trainings in all disciplines for interested students, are undertaken by Costanza Magnocavallo experienced and established consultant, healer and teacher practicing for 25 years. Costanza is a native of the great, northern Italian city of Milano. She also offers a unique and powerful blend of all areas of her alterative therapeutic expertise that can help to analyse situations, look for potentials, identify problems, and discover solutions: to find out more about how she can help you contact costanza today.

Costanza’s testimonials
“I feel I can recommend this professional, as I received a reading of my astral chart that amazed me greatly. She managed to recognize and understand the key points to have a broader vision on a personal level. Her acute analysis of all the astrological aspects was important as well as including valuable suggestions to be put into practice immediately. Excellent opportunity to review the registration of the consultation.”
“Extraordinary person, competent, professional and of an incredible humanity.“
Al G Smith
In 2004 Al G Smith retired after 14 years, from his position of Senior lecturer at well-known a UK University teaching management skills and theory, and acting as personal tutor and mentor to Bachelor and Masters level students. Prior to taking up his academic post, for some 25 years, Al undertook various managerial and entrepreneurial roles in the hospitality industry; worked as a graphic designer; became an industrial consultant with specialisms in management development and training skills.
Following retirement from the academic arena Al embarked on a new career as a website designer and developer choosing to set up his own business online to allow the possibility of working wherever he wanted to in the world (preferably somewhere a bit sunnier than Yorkshire, where he had been living!) . After building literally hundreds of websites, he also began assisting and coaching others to create, improve and maintain their own websites for personal or business needs.
Since 2005 years Al has specialized in developing, or assisted others in developing, countless WordPress based websites in particular, resolving design and technical issues, troubleshooting and providing consultation in matters related to achieving and managing their online presence more effectively.
Over the years Al has also created reams of written copy, published various blogs (sometimes writing under the pen-name Aedion Togevi), and contributed articles to many online resources. He has also created and/or edited video and written material for both himself and many clients. As an artist and writer, with a number of further creative projects currently underway, he has already published the first of a proposed series of educational books for youngsters which is currently available from Kindle Direct Publishing (Why We Love.. BEES (‘Why We Love…’ Series Book 1) ) and also as a ‘real’ hard copy paperback book via Amazon: ( Why We Love.. BEES (‘Why We Love…’ Series) )
Al has also recently (Christmas 2021) published the first edition of his collection of fun rhymes for the young, and young-at-heart:
Al continues to co-create a personal, spiritual and business partnership with Costanza Magnocavallo since early 2020, and now looks forward to applying his considerable experience as a trainer, tutor, coach and consultant, gleaned over the past 40 years of business and creative activities, to assist anyone who may feel they have reached a watershed in their life or who may just realize the benefit fof connecting with an experienced, compassionate, kind and patient mentor to help them push through towards identifying their optimal personal goals, finding their true direction, recognizing the life-changes they need to make and to plan their best course of successful future action.
If you feel and/or know you now want to embark on a life of greater passion and purpose, as well as personal and spiritual fulfilment, but just need a little support to get underway on the next stage of your journey, then Al looks forward to hearing from you for an initial no obligation chat about how he may be able to help you (drop me a line and we can agree a mutually convenient time to chat via Zoom or Skype).

Al Smith has over 40 years of experience as an entrepreneur, manager, university lecturer, trainer, consultant, coach and mentor. He is a website designer/developer and a published author, blogger, poet, artist and philosopher. He currently resides on a 60-acre farm set in the rustic beauty of central Portugal from where he offers, by way of ‘online consultation’: spiritual and life coaching and the opportunity for you to talk through anything and everything that might assist your personal evolution, confidentially, in a calm, non-judgemental, safe space, in analysing and resolving life-issues in general, or with a specific personal project, problem or business objective, in particular. Don’t hesitate to get in touch for an ititial free 30-minute consultation to discover if he can be of help.