soul/spiritual dowsing - energy healing

ancient energy healing technique that helps to create beneficent connections for greater harmony, well-being and love…

find out more below...

what is soul/spiritual dowsing?

Soul or spiritual dowsing can help you to connect with resources that can assist in identifying what may be adversely impacting you, allowing you to make clearer and more effective decisions and helping to restore harmony of body, mind and spirit.

Find balance and let your radiant spirit shine with gentle and natural practices that help you create a life full of love and enthusiasm.

Reconnect to the primary source of love energy, feel the nourishment that melts the wounds of the heart. Cut destructive bonds, break negative patterns, release the blocks of this (and/or previous lives) that may be preventing you from being happy, fulfilled and living joyfully every aspect of your existence.

Energy healing session duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes Cost: 60 euros

Energy healing, cleansing and problem solving can be undertaken remotely (via zoom or skype according to your preference) or in person if applicable, to make contact and book and initial FREE 30-minute consultation to discuss your needs and discover how a spiritual dowsing energy healing session might help you, please use the contact form  provided below.

soul/spiritual dowsing videos

let’s have a chat…

if you would like to learn more about soul/spiritual dowsing and how this form of energy healing can change your life, relationhips and well-being for the better, drop us a line to request a free intial 30-min consultation (or just to ask any other questions you may have):

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