Full Moon 16° in Cancer 7th January 2023, 12.08 am CET The first full moon of 2023 occurs on January 7 at 16°22 Cancer at 12:08 am CET. In this video I tell you about the energy of this Moon and how to navigate its waters in a beneficial way for you. January might...

new moon in aquarius 1st february 2022

What does the powerful new moon in Aquarius 1st February 2022 portend? Costanza provides some insights: This is a rare and powerful energy, so take advantage of it! Think about where you want to create more balance and harmony in your life, where you want to embark on...

soul healing journey

Beloved Soul, Within you are libraries of ancient wisdom, a deep inner knowing of how to create peace in your life and on Earth. You hold the vibration of love innately in your soul. You are Love. It is the truth of who you are. Do you remember? When peace is restored...

you are loved

The world looks so harsh at times. You have done your best, and others have done their best too, yet there is still so much fear, suffering and sadness. This world is what it is, but you are a soul full of love, perhaps confused and lost at times, but deeply motivated...

mercury in sagittarius square neptune in pisces

Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces. 10 instructions for use: 1 Remember to take off your rose-tinted spectacles. 2 Tell someone about your love. 3 Have any Saints come down from their pedestal. 4 Turn on the fog lights. 5 Look who you love in the eye...

do try this at home: to achieve your heart’s desire

Anything is possible if you follow your heart’s desire. Try making this statement of intent — find a quiet moment, focus on your heart, and say this:”I release the fears of the past and free myself from the obstacles that held me back until...