Full Moon 16° in Cancer 7th January 2023, 12.08 am CET The first full moon of 2023 occurs on January 7 at 16°22 Cancer at 12:08 am CET. In this video I tell you about the energy of this Moon and how to navigate its waters in a beneficial way for you. January might...

soul healing journey

Beloved Soul, Within you are libraries of ancient wisdom, a deep inner knowing of how to create peace in your life and on Earth. You hold the vibration of love innately in your soul. You are Love. It is the truth of who you are. Do you remember? When peace is restored...

what a witch does

Overcoming loneliness, pain and rejection, is what a witch does. To create, love and hope in spite of everything, is what a witch does. With her inner power, with her magic, she transforms experiences, even the most negative, into trust and learning. The witch heals...

the incessant time traveler

a ‘terrible cog’ podcast by al g smith for spiritshines.com 30th october 2021: with gratitude for the music used in this podcast, which was composed and created by: Serjo de Lua — keys of moon music | https://soundcloud.com/keysofmoon

you have to look for guidance

This card continues to appear in my readings. It is time to trust and listen, with wonder, gratitude and innocence we can be guided to fulfill our purpose and dreams, this will take us exactly where we need to go. The angelic figure with rainbow-colored wings on this...