reiki - energy healing
The ancient healing art rediscovered in Japan in the last century by Dr.Mikao Usui.
Reiki is based on energy rebalancing, capable of resolving physical and psychological blocks (and therefore associated symptoms) by infusing energy and well-being and eliminating any toxins, especially mental ones, this resolves energetic stagnation, re-establishing healthy energetic flow.
Reiki treatments can be administered in person or undertaken equally well remotely, so distance is no object if you need help now…

what is reiki?
Reiki is an ancient healing art rediscovered in Japan in the last century by Dr. Mikao Usui.
The word ReiKi means Universal Life Energy. Rei describes the unlimited and universal aspect of this energy, while Ki is each individualized part of Rei, that is the life force that has taken a specific form and individually permeates everything that exists.
ReiKi is based on energy rebalancing, capable of resolving physical and psychological blocks (symptoms) by infusing energy and well-being and eliminating any toxins, especially mental ones, and energetic stagnation is resolved, re-establishing healthy energetic flow.
ReiKi is a technique, free of contraindications, capable of assisting and supporting any therapy and treatment, of traditional and natural medicine.
ReiKi encourages personal growth, where the truth that emerges from the dissolution of physical and mental blocks nourishes the conscience, which is then finally able to expand beyond the limits that the mind has had imposed on it.
Reiki is simply Universal life energy, and it is this important basic concept that must be conveyed. ReiKi is not something you learn in school but it is potential you have always had since you were conceived.
ReiKi can be received by undergoing a treatment given by those who have already received the activations from a Reiki Master.
The complete treatment, the basic one, varies from about a quarter of an hour to an hour depending on the subject, and is received without having to remove the clothes, and already after a session you can see the first effects: deep relaxation, relieved tension and a general state of physical well-being.
ReiKi can be learned (and performed on oneself and on others) by attending a First Level course held by a master; one becomes a channel through which Rei (universal life energy) together with Ki (individual life energy) begins to flow.
In the first level seminar, people receive the energy initiations (reiju) which are meant to cleanse and the main energy channels that run through our body. In this way they are enabled to receive Reiki from the original source (Light, Love, Universal spirit) and transmit it through the hands and the heart.
The energy complex of the body is refined, it is released from energy stagnation, eliminating toxins and the chakras are realigned and rebalanced.
ReiKi has three levels (or degrees) of learning. Each level is linked to the other two by the presence of initiations.
In any culture, in any era and throughout the planet, initiation has always represented a passage, a choice.
With ReiKi the initiations arise from the decision of the individual to say yes to himself/herself and to his/her life; totally.
In the three different levels of ReiKi the initiations lead to three different qualities of energy
first level (physical)
Reactivation of energy channels, purification, awareness and healing. Contact with vital energy and great openness to life and the world. Here begins the advancement of consciousness and the PHYSICAL process of healing begins.
let’s work together!
Whether you would simply like to request a energy rebalancing session of reiki therapy, or perhaps to discuss the possibility of learn to become a reiki practitioner yourself…