…some seriously light-hearted astrological insights from Costanza for 9th December 2021:
Mars enters Sagittarius today, Mercury enters Capricorn and Venus is conjunct Pluto. So, the 10 instructions for use:
– shoot your arrow with enthusiasm as far as you can
– but ask for the receipt of the shipment
– plan your next vacation, in a detailed but adventurous way!
– make a serious commitment to your long-term relationships
– but don’t forget that passion has to be expressed or it goes bad
– clean the closet of family skeletons
– follow Marie Kondo’s instructions by replacing clothes with your relationships
– remove the stick from your backside that prevents you from saying I love you, I love you
– enjoy deep and lasting connections – transcend sex into total and passionate union

…bet seriously, f you want a personal and profound insight into the cosmic indications for you, your relationships, your job and your family contact Costanza Magnocavallo today to arrange a consultation.