This is an interesting quote from someone who history has largely ‘lauded’ but who might also arguably have sent modern medicine along a questionable path (if alternative interpretations of what occurred, in their days, between Pasteur and Dr Antoine Bechamp are to be given some credence — but to get into a discussion about ‘germ theory’ versus ‘the terrain’ would be a digression here albeit a potentially important thing to examine in days when everyone is being exhorted, increasingly aggressively, to receive strange new chemical concoctions unquestioningly into their bodies or else receive some kind of prolonged penance or unreasonable restrictions to their pursuance of a ‘normal life’!)… But to begin to address the point alluded to in the meme:
It seems to me that there are many who now have ‘faith’ in what is, for some, tantamount to a new ‘religion’ of Science and the expectation that it can deliver ‘all the answers’ …eventually! But it takes the greater scientist to acknowledge that although science is (presumably) about learning all we can know about ‘life, the universe and everything’, there is ‘truth’ in the notion that ‘the more we know, the more we realize how little we actually know’… and that ultimately there may be things that are simply ‘Unknowable’ (at least to the human mind, in its current era of evolution)…
For some they simply cannot accept that there may be something Ineffable that may have caused this perceived and temporal form of material existence ‘to be’ and continues to influence it: something that is beyond the ability of mere human minds to comprehend, or mortal eyes to countenance…
The greater scientist, in my humble opinion, is the one who comes to acknowledge that ‘Man’ may not be ‘the most Intelligent’ species in the Universe, and indeed that this may not be the only Universe, and that the Hand of God may be both ubiquitous and immanent… in all things!
It might help some people to realize (if they do not already know) that when a man says he “will only believe what he can see with his own eyes” (as many who ‘believe in science’ and refute their spiritual potential might suggest), that the visible spectrum of light is reckoned to be only 0.0035 percent of the electromagnetic spectrum! For me this indicates that we can never know more about the One Source of All Light until we ascend to climes far beyond the capabilities our limited mortal minds to apprehend and we have traveled much further along the path of spiritual evolution towards ultimate ‘enlightenment’!