by Al G | Dec 20, 2020 | Spirit Shines Articles
These days it seems that the social media world is all often about meme! People happily pass on ‘memes’ that sound pithy, witty, funny or wise in the hope that some of their dubious glory (despite sketchy or unconfirmed provenance) might reflect positively...
by Al G | Dec 4, 2020 | Spirit Shines Articles
A response inspired by a friend’s request for me to explain my reasoning for why I think that animals may not ave souls…(This is my current thinking and may not represent the views, beliefs and thoughts of others here at spirit|shines)Although I am open to...
by Al G | Nov 16, 2020 | Spirit Shines Articles
Someone asked that big question ‘What is the meaning of life?’ on social media today… here is the response that sprung to my mind — given that a meme or an emoticon didn’t seem adequate… I do not think that ‘meaning’ and...
by Al G | Sep 14, 2020 | Spirit Shines Articles
Reading someone’s facebook post about ‘God’ allowing bad things to happen…prompted this reply — Hi…”It’s reassuring to know that in a small way you are able to ‘play God’ to your menagerie and that you are so...