do try this at home: to achieve your heart’s desire

Anything is possible if you follow your heart’s desire. Try making this statement of intent — find a quiet moment, focus on your heart, and say this:”I release the fears of the past and free myself from the obstacles that held me back until...

the incessant time traveler

a ‘terrible cog’ podcast by al g smith for 30th october 2021: with gratitude for the music used in this podcast, which was composed and created by: Serjo de Lua — keys of moon music |

do you fear thought? if not perhaps you should

“Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth — more than ruin, more even than death. Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habits; thought is...

shortcomings of an intellectual species

Sharing a recent social media reply I was inspired to make in response to the quote from eminent primatologist and anthropologist and, based on her work and media interviews, lovely human being, Dame Jane Goodall: Notwithstanding that H. sapiens is only said to be...

all about meme meme meme!

The creation of viral memes that encourage and elicit responses from as many as possible of the multitudes (addicted to responding to such things on their ubiquitous hand-held devices!) is ‘big business’ these days. Big data is reckoned to be the most...